As a reputed high-pressure oxygen concentrator manufacturer in Andaman And Nicobar, we supply medical grade oxygen for aircrew and patient care purposes. Because of the standard weight and size, this device is widely used in the board of aircraft. We provide standard quality high-pressure oxygen concentrator that supply oxygen continuously for critical patients and aircrafts at a competitive price range.
Best Features:
- Since we are the best high-pressure concentrating system suppliers in Andaman And Nicobar, we make sure our device has some unique features like automatic switch which is used to back up supply on outlet pressure or O2 concentration fault.
- A pneumatically-driven slide valve, a booster pump controller and electronic built-in test, which are integral parts of the unit.
This high-pressure concentrator is appropriate for flight uses so that it is hugely installed in the Medical Evaluation helicopters. It is also useful for fighter aircrafts where high-pressure oxygen is required.